This page deals with the set of methods related to resilience assessment, which is a strategic approach grounded in theory that integrates multiple methods relevant to social-ecological systems (SES) research, in order to better understand the dynamics of complex SES and to design strategic interventions. The content on this page discusses Wayfinder, RAPTA, the Resilience Assessment Workbook for Practitioners 2.0, STRESS and operationalising systemic resilience as major resilience assessment tools used in SES research.
The Chapter summary video gives a brief introduction and summary of this group of methods, what SES problems/questions they are useful for, and key resources needed to conduct the methods. The methods video/s introduce specific methods, including their origin and broad purpose, what SES problems/questions the specific method is useful for, examples of the method in use and key resources needed. The Case Studies demonstrate the method in action in more detail, including an introduction to the context and issue, how the method was used, the outcomes of the process and the challenges of implementing the method. The labs/activities give an example of a teaching activity relating to this group of methods, including the objectives of the activity, resources needed, steps to follow and outcomes/evaluation options.
More details can be found in Chapter 14 of the Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems.
Chapter summary:
Quinlan, A. (2022)
Method Summaries
Case Studies
Assessing the resilience of restored mangrove landscapes using an indicator framework: a case study in Krabi Thailand
Lambert-Peck, M . (2023)
Tips and Tricks
- Enfors-Kautsky, E., L. Järnberg A. Quinlan, and P. Ryan. 2018. ‘Wayfinder: A Resilience Guide for Navigating Towards Sustainable Futures.’ GRAID programme, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
- Helfgott, A. 2018. ‘Operationalising Systemic Resilience.’ European Journal of Operational Research 268: 852–864.
- Levine, E., E. Vaughan, and D. Nicholson. 2017. Strategic Resilience Assessment Guidelines. Portland: Mercy Corps.
- O’Connell, D., N. Abel, N. Grigg, Y. Maru, J. Butler, A. Cowie, S. Stone-Jovicich et al. 2016. Designing Projects in a Rapidly Changing World: Guidelines for Embedding Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation into Sustainable Development Projects. Version 1.0. Washington: Global Environment Facility.
- Resilience Alliance. 2010. Assessing Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: Workbook for Practitioners. Version 2.0.